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About us

As an owner-managed company, we have been providing support to manufacturing companies and housing companies, municipalities and utilities since 2009, helping them to make the necessary changes and transformations to achieve greater climate protection and sustainability.

The multidisciplinary Tilia team works closely with its clients to develop results-oriented, integrated solutions and to implement them efficiently in the areas of energy, water, the circular economy, mobility, infrastructure, digitalization and the smart city.

We take a systemic and holistic approach to achieving the results that are necessary for business success, making use of strategy and organization, personnel and processes, technology and facilities, economy and ecology, management, culture and communications to find open-ended solutions that create measurable added value for our clients.

As a European team, we draw on our proven expertise and experience as an innovative service provider to execute international projects worldwide. Today, the Tilia Group employs over 170 people who have worked closely with clients to lead over 1,000 projects in 20 countries to success. This success is based on a collaborative partnership that aims to optimize innovative business models, services and infrastructures in order to achieve the climate targets set out in Agenda 2030.

We help our clients achieve sustainable value creation and profitable growth through the development and implementation of concrete strategies. This includes organizational development and digital transformation in all areas of your company as well as the scaling of business models and the development of neighborhood concepts in the area of smart communities. In this process, we strengthen digital expertise, leverage growth potential and increase our clients’ profitability.

Our constant aim is to bring about these changes, delivering tangible and robust results. This is our pledge to clients – a results-oriented partnership, which we have termed the “Impulspartnerschaft®”. We generate fresh ideas and innovative concepts, working in partnership with our clients. This is our promise to you.

Transformative processes often require additional resources, including financial resources, which we can also arrange on a project-by-project basis. You benefit from our independence, our neutrality as a service provider and our extensive strategic, technical, financial and legal expertise.

Our Model

Our Vision and Mission

The Tilia Group launches and provides support to projects all over the world, although our focus is on Germany and France, which is where are roots are. From the outset, it was clear to us that new infrastructures and supply systems can only be developed based on decentralized and holistic solutions.

Business models need to be rethought or redefined in order to meet sustainability requirements. Cities and municipalities are also directly affected by this transformation process and will have to address the challenges posed by climate change and legal regulations.

These are the challenges of tomorrow, which we are tackling together with manufacturing companies, cities, municipalities, utilities and waste disposal companies. We work with our clients to develop concepts for implementing energy and climate strategies and decarbonizing the value chain. This requires technological solutions for sustainable and efficient infrastructure, recyclable products and sustainable services.

Tilias Hauptstandorte sind in Leipzig und Paris. Der Großteil unserer Projekte wird in Deutschland und Frankreich realisiert. Zusätzlich betreuen wir Projekte in anderen EU-Ländern und für EU-Institutionen. Die Niederlassung unserer Tochter decon international befindet sich in Bad Homburg in der Nähe von Frankfurt am Main.
Unser Tochterunternehmen decon international ist in dieser Region seit 1985 aktiv und hat seitdem über 35 Projekte im Bereich Energieverteilung, Erneuerbare Energien und Abwasser in den Ländern Afghanistan, Bangladesch, Kambodscha, China, Indien, Indonesien, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, der Mongolei, Pakistan, den Philippinen, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand und Vietnam umgesetzt. Tilia unterhält einen Bürostandort in Vietnam. Dort starteten wir 2015 mit der Modernisierung sanitärer Einrichtungen und Anlagen für die Abwasserbehandlung in Kommunen in Kooperation mit der Gemeinschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Derzeit entwickeln wir neue Kooperationen mit vietnamesischen Partnern – sowohl öffentlichen als auch privaten – im Bereich Wasserver- und -entsorgung, Erneuerbarer Energien, Energieeffizienz und Kreislaufwirtschaft.
Für unser Tochterunternehmen decon international hat sich Lateinamerika zu einem wichtigen Markt entwickelt. Begonnen hat decons Arbeit im Jahr 1975 mit Elektrizitätsprojekten in Kolumbien. Von dort aus haben sich die Aktivitäten auf Argentinien, Belize, Bolivien, Brasilien, Kanada, Chile, Costa Rica, der Dominikanischen Republik, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexiko, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru und Venezuela erweitert. Der Fokus liegt hier auf dem Energiesektor, der ländlichen Wasserversorgung, der Sanitärversorgung und der dazugehörigen Politikberatung. Mehr als 100 Projekte wurden in dieser Region bereits umgesetzt. Derzeit arbeitet decon international an Projekten in Peru und Nicaragua. Der Bürostandort befindet sich in Managua, Nicaragua.
Bereits 100 Projekte wurden seit 1990 in den GUS-Staaten umgesetzt, die damit zu einer wichtigen Region für unser Tochterunternehmen decon international geworden ist. Der Bürostandort befindet sich in Yerevan, Armenien. Schlüsselländer sind Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Weißrussland, Georgien, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Moldawien, Russland, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan, die Ukraine, und Usbekistan. Die Projektschwerpunkte liegen hauptsächlich im Energiesektor, wie zum Beispiel im Bereich politischer Beratung rund um die Energieversorgung und -einsparung. Weitere relevante Themen sind erneuerbare Energien, Abwasser- und Abfallmanagement sowie urbane und ländliche Wasserversorgung.
Seit 1977 ist decon international in mehreren afrikanischen Ländern aktiv: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Kamerun, die Kapverden, der Kongo, die Elfenbeinküste, Äthiopien, Gambia, Ghana, Kenia, Lesotho, Mali, Mosambik, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Ruanda, Sierra Leone, Südafrika, Tansania, Togo, Uganda, Simbabwe und Sambia. Annähernd 100 Projekte wurden insbesondere in den Bereichen Elektrizität, ländliche Elektrifizierung, Energieeffizienz, Trinkwasser- und Sanitärversorgung umgesetzt. decon international unterhält einen Bürostandort in Addis Abeba, Äthiopien.
Mit rund 100 Projekten spielt der Nahe und Mittlere Osten seit den 80er Jahren eine wichtige Rolle für decon international. Projekte wurden in Algerien, Ägypten, im Iran, Irak, Israel, Jordanien, Libanon, Libyen, Marokko, Palästinensergebiete, Syrien, Tunesien, Türkei und Jemen realisiert. Der Schwerpunkt der Aktivitäten liegt in den Bereichen energetische Sanierung, Infrastruktur, Erneuerbare Energien, Abwasserbehandlung und Sanitärversorgung. decon international unterhält einen Bürostandort in Beirut, Libanon.
Seit dem ersten Projekt in Albanien im Jahr 1992 ist decon international in Bosnien Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Kroatien, im Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro, Rumänien und Serbien tätig. Mit Schwerpunkt auf den Energiesektor werden Projekte in den Bereichen Energieeffizienz, Stromübertragung und verteilung sowie Förderung erneuerbarer Energien betreut. Zusätzlich unterstützt decon international die Umsetzung von Projekten im Bereich Abwasserbehandlung und Fernwärmeversorgung. Parallel leistet Decon International Politikberatung im Bereich Wasser- und Abfallregulierung.

Discover how the Tilia Group is contributing to sustainable development and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa through our infrastructure projects and innovative solutions.

Our Model

Our Values

A unifying approach

Tilia’s values reflect what drives us and what defines our corporate culture. Our values shape our motives and the principles that guide our actions. They show what we value, both within and outside the company. We seek to embrace innovation and sustainability and make them a tangible experience for our clients.
Our corporate values – creating value, shared responsibility, a passion for getting things done, partnership, independence, a holistic approach and inventiveness –
are at the heart of everything we do.

A client-focused partnership

Success is only possible if we work together. We value a working partnership on equal terms within our teams as well as with our business partners.
Cooperation, respect and openness are important to us. We aim to deliver tangible and measurable benefits to all project stakeholders by developing sustainable solutions for the entire value chain and focusing on shared values and the involvement of all partners.

Holistic approach

Tilia is an owner-managed company that places great emphasis on a holistic and open approach to project management. As independent experts, we take on challenges with enthusiasm and creativity. We create innovative, unique concepts that allow us and our clients to deliver concrete solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow.


Acting responsibly is a vital part of our philosophy. We are committed to respectful collaboration, to a sustainable approach to our environment and to the future of our clients. Together, we pursue technological, social and resource-efficient solutions, with the Impulspartnerschaft® measuring the impact we have.


See us through the eyes of our partners and customers

Peter Günther appreciates Tilia’s long-term and intensive support. This is the basis on which trust and a deep partnership are created.

"It's also the success factor that it's not just one or two years of support, but that the counselling extends over a long period of time and across many sub-projects."

Peter GüntherGeschäftsführer der Halleschen Wasser- und Stadtwirtschaft GmbH

Denis Penouel emphasises Tilia’s professional and practice-oriented approach.

"Tilia was the all-round organiser of the process, because the method is essential for projects of this kind."

Denis PenouelChief Executive Officer SYCTOM

Bernhard Gross emphasises Tilia’s trusting partnership and cross-technological knowledge.

"Many companies have energy experts for their own technology. But finding people from outside who are not only familiar with PV systems OR water turbines OR individual topics, but who are very broadly positioned - that is a great competence of the TILIA consultants."

Bernhard GrossDirector Group Operational Excellence WEPA

Our Teams

A dedicated team by your side

Tilia’s team includes specialists who are experts in a variety of industries and who bring a high level of expertise and experience to the table.

The different areas of expertise and the wide variety of backgrounds of our team members create the right mix for the complex needs of our clients and ensure that we can find practicable and useful solutions. The professionalism, know-how, resilience and strong communication skills of each of our team members ensures solution-oriented project implementation for our clients.

Our Impulspartnerschaft® means that you have a professional team at your disposal, a team that takes on the challenges of your business, works closely with your employees and brings in different points of view. This ensures that solutions can be implemented for even the most complex projects.

Board Members

Managing Directors

Senior Managers

Senior Managers

Senior Advisors

Senior Advisors

Projects Managers

Projects Managers

Office Managers

Office Managers

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