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Strategy and Planning

Energy organisation and public services of a large metropoly: Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

Tilia project Grenoble Alpes Metropoles

Grenoble is one of the leading cities in France with respect to energy innovation. The project led with Tilia has involved a complete review of all key segments of the Grenoble Métropole master plan in organising its existing public services in such fields as district heating, gas and electricity distribution, decentralised energy production, citizen empowerment, actions and investment programmes aiming at improving the energy efficiency of public and private buildings. Public management and PPP options were benchmarked in the local context, taking into account the Métropole’s ambition to initiate a more efficient public management. 


Grenoble Alpes Métropoles


2015 – 2017


Project Manager
Vincent Aumaitre 
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