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Strategy and Planning

Energy strategy for Versailles Satory eco-district

Satory Tilia project

Located in the southwestern part of the city of Versailles, Satory district is mostly occupied by a military camp and will host a new eco-district in the years to come. Fully integrated to the Grand Paris project (Satory will be one of the stations of Grand Paris Express, the new public transport network), the restructuring of this district is managed by the Paris-Saclay Development Authority (EPAPS).

As a complement to its consultancy mission for the design, modeling, organization and development of the smart district heating and cooling network of Paris Saclay, Tilia works alongside EPAPS on the programming of this new dynamic area by bringing its expertise in energy supply and optimization for the future eco-district of West Satory, in Versailles. This project is an opportunity to redevelop this area into a modern eco-district, ensuring territorial and urban coherence (use of existing infrastructures, multi-energy and decentralized production, smart grids …) while putting EPAPS’ high environmental standards into practice.






Project Manager
Alexandre Bacquet
14:02:13 - 145.42 MB