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Geothermy based Smart District heating and cooling grid of Paris Saclay

Tilia July 9, 2018 No Comments

Saclay is both a reference eco-district and the main innovation cluster of France, where the most prestigious universities and research institutions are concentrating some of their main settlements. It is also a major new housing project, at the heart of the Greater Paris.

Since 2013, Tilia has been working alongside the National Development Company of Paris Saclay (EPAPS) to conceive, model, organise and develop a smart district heating and cooling grid.

This worldwide reference project, mainly based on low temperature geothermal energy (28°C), and other local renewable and recycled energies, demonstrates the relevance of a flexible, semi-decentralised grid infrastructure against standalone solutions, even in a case where both housing and tertiary buildings have a very high energy efficiency performance.

Step by step, the grid enables more and more energy exchanges, and will become a showcase multi-energy smart grid.




2013 – 2021


Project Manager
Soraya Bensadi
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