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Strategy and Planning

Leipzig Smart City strategy


Tilia has developed a smart city strategy and action plan for the multi-utility company of Leipzig, in Germany, in the frame of its sustainable urban development strategy.

A broad range of public services were covered, including energy, water, mobility, waste management and IT, seeking to maximise improvement potentials and to value cross-sectoral synergies, ultimately resulting in enhanced resource and economic efficiency and improved quality of life for the citizens.

Together with different sectors specialists within the multi-utility company, Tilia set-up a dedicated working group to develop the Smart City strategy and related projects. To ensure transparency throughout the process and incentivise public participation, a Smart City Strategy Paper was elaborated and published and presented to the public. As a result, 15 Smart City flagship projects were identified and developed (waste to energy, renewables in public transport, dynamic steering of networks in relation with rain and flooding…) and new citizen participation and urban collaboration models were successfully implemented.


Multi-utility company of Leipzig




Project Manager
André Ludwig
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