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Tilia co-investment

Optimization of the energy infrastructure and supply of a large industrial site – DESCH

Building machines (Desch)

Rising expenditures for energy supply, higher charges and standards regarding cooling and environmental performance, and the will to maintain the best production and working conditions within its main industrial site, in connection with its tradition of technical excellency, led DESCH Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG to re-think the energy supply of its drives and gears production site.

Tilia and Desch worked together on conceiving a tailor-made solution, consisting in a trigeneration unit producing heating, cooling and electricity, and in a new site organization enabling to simultaneously reach four main targets:

  • Improving temperature control of the machines, securing the precision of the manufacturing process;
  • Improving working conditions for the employees working at the production site;
  • Reducing the energy bill by 60%, and 612 ton CO2 emissions per year;
  • Stabilising energy prices and preventing the company from future energy price fluctuations.


Tilia co-invested with Desch in the new facilities and currently supports its operation.




2011 – ongoing


Project Manager
Stephan Tietze 
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