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Paris Syctom-SIAAP innovation partnership for waste methanisation

Projet Tilia Syctom SIAAP

The Syctom and the SIAAP, which respectively manage the municipal waste disposal and treatment, and the wastewater collection and treatment of the whole Paris Region, both of which are among the largest European public operators in their fields, have launched an Innovation Partnership in order to conceive, test, design and build a facility that will methanise the whole organic fraction of the Greater Paris municipal waste, together with a large fraction of its wastewater treatment sludge, in a way that shall maximise the energy and biogas production, minimise sub-products from the process, avoid any residual product to be returned to the soil in whatever form, and reach the highest possible environmental standards. 

This showcase project will make Paris a world leader in organic waste disposal, in terms of carbon and environmental footprint, while producing a safe and carbon neutral energy for local communities.

The Consortium led by Tilia is among those selected to enter this Innovation Partnership. It also includes France Biogaz Valorisation, the DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH) the Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen-und Bioverfahrenstechnik and GICON – Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH.

The best of European research and highly experienced teams in methanisation conception and operation have teamed up to provide the Syctom and the SIAAP with the most innovative and reliable available technologies, and combine them into a unique process which will set a worldwide reference in this field.




2018 – 2021


Project Manager
Vincent Aumaitre
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