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Strategy and Planning

Study on efficient district heating and cooling systems in the EU

Tilia project_study on efficient distric

At Tilia, we believe efficient district heating and cooling systems can provide an evolutive backbone to balanced energy transitions, and to local multi-energy systems.

In 2016, we carried out a study for the JRC of the European Commission on Efficient district heating and cooling in the EU, providing an in-depth analysis of district heating and cooling (DHC) systems in Barcelona, Brescia, Copenhagen, Gram, Hafencity (Hamburg), Paris-Saclay, Stockholm and Tartu.

Based on a holistic case studies analysis of these 8 efficient DHC systems in different Member States (Spain, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, Sweden and Estonia respectively), the study identifies the key factors enabling to develop high quality, efficient and low-carbon DHC systems, discusses how these key success factors can be replicated in the EU and provides a better view on the role and features of these systems. Finally, it suggests some potential policy guidelines to support their deployment.

Link to the report


European Commission – Joint Research Centre




Project Manager
Marina Galindo Fernández
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