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Operational optimisation

Gas utility of Berlin

Gas flame (GASAG)

The main natural gas utility in Berlin, GASAG (Berliner Gaswerke Aktiengesellschaft), is one of the largest gas, electricity and heat suppliers in Germany. Created in 1847, the company has decided to work with Tilia to jointly develop and implement a number of measures aiming at improving its service offer and profits.

Tilia developed and implemented, together with the GASAG teams, a performance improvement plan, based on a gradual and operational approach, in the fields of IT, sales, human resources and technology solutions, among others.

A detailed cost benchmark based on Tilia’s experience allowed GASAG to identify and evaluate its performance improvement potential, and jointly define the objectives. This work resulted in a recurring operating cash-flow improvement of eight-digit Euro amount per year.




2014 – 2016


Project Manager
Christophe Hug
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