Tilia, leading a consortium with some of the most prestigious EU research centres – TU Wien, IREES, Öko Institut, Fraunhofer Institute- on district heating and cooling, will undertake an ambitious DHC market and regulatory study for the European Commission.
The Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission has awarded the consortium led by Tilia a service contract to perform an ambitious study which will provide a thorough, in-depth analysis of district heating and cooling (DHC) markets in the EU, Norway, Iceland and Ukraine.
DHC can play a key role in achieving the Energy Union objectives and appear as the cornerstone for building local and “smart” systems within a multi-energy and open approach, creating value for cities and communities. Indeed, DHC is a powerful, cost-efficient leverage for deep local decarbonisation, which also stimulates local economic activity and paves the way to more balanced, resilient energy systems.
The study will provide a detailed vision, for each country, of the market and regulatory framework of DHC, urban regulations affecting its use in buildings (building regulations, urban planning, etc.), and review the various technical possibilities to further integrate renewable and waste energy in local energy systems. Several case studies will be analysed across Europe, in a holistic approach, aimed at identifying replicable, cost efficient best practices in various environments.